Explore the profound call in Acts 1:8 to be God’s witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Find out how you can live out this mission in everyday life and within your unique sphere of influence, whether it’s in your local community, workplace or beyond.
Date: 25 January 2025, Saturday
Time: 9.30am – 5.30pm
Venue: Faith Methodist Church

Dr Tan Lai Yong, a medical doctor who graduated from National University of Singapore (NUS) in 1985, had spent 15 years in Yunnan, China, focusing on poverty alleviation and community development. Upon returning to Singapore, he taught at NUS, while his wife taught at SMU. Recently, they have shifted their focus to rural school and village community projects in the region. Both have been members of Bethesda Frankel Estate Church since becoming Christians in the 1970s.
9.30am Registration
10.00am Opening address
10.15am Worship
10.45am “Be God’s Witnesses” by Dr Tan Lai Yong
12.30pm Lunch
1.45pm Workshop 1
3.15pm Workshop 2
4.45pm Question & Answer
5.00pm Closing Address
Discovering Inequality: A Walk Through A Low-income HDB Area Dr Tan Lai Yong
We will be walking in small groups in one of the oldest HDB communities, observing and sensing the challenges as well as opportunities for outreach and care.
Raising Missional Families – “Let The Little Children Come To Me” Elvin and Esther Foong
What is a Biblical view of children? What does God’s Word have to say about kids and where they fit in God’s plan of human redemption and reconciliation? Discover why Jesus made the famous declaration: “let the little children come to Me”, and what it means for us as parents and as a church today in making missional disciples of these children.

Elvin and Esther Foong are founders of The Treasure Box Singapore, which aims to help families grow closer to each other and to God. Together with other like-minded parents, they also co-founded SGFamilies, a ground-up movement. Elvin is currently pursuing a Master of Divinity degree while Esther serves as a part-time lecturer at NIE. They have been married for 16 years, and have two children, Nathan, 14 and Phoebe, 12.
Our Mission as Marketplace Christians Poh Yu Khing
What is God’s purpose for work? What is His calling for us as marketplace Christians? This session explores the unique missional calling of marketplace Christians to bring redemption and restoration through our professional lives.

Poh Yu Khing has over 20 years of experience in both public and private sectors. Now, he focuses on organisational excellence, project management, theatre photography, and teaching about faith, work, and financial stewardship. As a trainer with Singapore’s Institute for Financial Literacy, he also provides free, unbiased financial education to Singaporeans.
Asset Based Community Development Eugene Wee
Find out how Asset-based Community Development (ABCD) strengthens communities by identifying assets, empowering stakeholders and nurturing communities to create deep ownership and sustainable impact.

Eugene Wee, founder and executive director of RADION International, has dedicated over 17 years to serving vulnerable communities in Asia. He represents RADION on the UN’s Economic & Social Council (ECOSOC), contributing to sustainable development discussions.
Church Planting John Wesley’s Way? Rev Benjamin Lee
A nation was transformed by John Wesley’s church planting movement in the 18th century. Is his way of church planting still relevant for our day? Come explore the focus of John Wesley’s church planting movement and how this may be contextually applied for today’s mission.

Reverend Benjamin Lee, Pastor-in-Charge at Toa Payoh Methodist Church, has a long-standing passion for missions. In addition to overseeing missions in previous churches, he has also served on the Executive Committee and Missionary Care Committee of the Methodist Missions Society.
Creation Care x Missions Liaw Ann Shin and Dennis Tan
Come explore with us the biblical basis for integrating creation care into our missional discipleship and how Christians can respond in light of the growing severity of various environmental issues.

Liaw Ann Shin, Director of Outreach and Engagement at Our Father’s World (OFW), is dedicated to helping Christians understand environmental stewardship as a way to honour God and serve others. Working in the sustainability sector, she assists companies on their journeys while also contributing to OFW’s mission.
Dennis Tan is co-founder and Executive Director at OFW. In 2023, he co-authored Creation Care and the Gospel, a primer on faith-based environmental action written for Christians in Southeast Asia. He worships at Sengkang Methodist Church, where he serves in the LCEC. Dennis is currently pursuing theological studies at Trinity Theological College.
Stepping Into Their Shoes: A Poverty Simulation Experience Operation Mobilisation (OM)
Paper Bag Simulation is an interactive mission simulation of the poverty population. The immersive experience helps participants get a glimpse into the lives of the poor, persecuted or displaced and develop a heart for least-reached communities.

OM is dedicated to seeing vibrant communities of Jesus followers among the least reached. In Singapore, OM mobilises the local Church in various ways to contribute to this global mission.
Register by 15 January 2025.
Please adhere to the deadline to facilitate catering
and printing arrangements.